in 生活


“Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day”—— Pink Floyd



  1. Pro Django
  2. Redis in Action
  3. Node in Action
  4. PostgreSQL : Up and Running
  5. Programming PHP
  6. RabbitMQ in Action : Distributed Messaging for Everyone
  7. 英语魔法师之语法俱乐部
  8. Rework
  9. HTML5 : Up and Running
  10. Functional Javascript


  1. Learn Python The Hard Way, 1st Edition
  2. Python基础教程 : Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
  3. Pro Python
  4. Dive Into Python 3
  5. Learning Python
  6. The Definitive Guide to Django, 2nd Edition : Web Development Done Right
  7. Linux Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition
  8. Redis CookBook
  9. Pro Git
  10. Essential SQLAlchemy
  11. SQL Antipatterns
  12. Maven : The Definitive Guide
  13. Node.js in Action
  14. High Performance JavaScript
  15. 深入浅出Node.js
  16. Getting Started with OAuth 2.0
  17. RESTful Web Services Cookbook
  18. Behind Closed Doors
  19. AngularJS: Up and Running, 2nd Edition
  20. JavaScript Testing with Jasmine
  21. You Don’t Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
  22. Socket.IO Real-Time Web Application Development

计划之所以称之为计划,在于实施的环境是一簇变量:时间、空间、情绪或者兴趣。对阅读来说,后三者影响的权重还不小。比如最近,我突然想研究一下Scrapy ,其他计划被迫搁置,时间都花在了看文档和Shell running上。




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  1. 所以你的TODO List是一个栈阿 新产生的兴趣直接放最顶上 我觉得我的是个deque 有时候放顶上 有时候放尾巴上 有时候就忘了 哈哈